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Midas Luxury Gifts

Midas Aged Balsamic Vinegar (250mL)

Regular price $29.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $29.95 AUD
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Midas Aged Balsamic Vinegar is lovingly hand-bottled in Australia from locally sourced Trebbiano grapes. This wonderfully adaptable and complex Balsamic is fermented in small oak barrels in Southern Queensland’s Granite Belt region using a modern Australian interpretation of the classic European method. Aged using 40-year-old cultures, our two-stage all-natural fermentation process takes a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years to complete. Regardless of the amount of time the vinegar spends aging, Balsamic Vinegar is always a notable addition to mealtime and a welcomed elixir to promote good health and vitality. 

Be Inspired

With complex acidity and a rich finish, Midas Aged Balsamic Vinegar is best enjoyed drizzled over chunks of mature cheese like parmesan, atop caprese salad, sparingly on grilled steak, seared scallops and roasted root vegetables. Never tried balsamic on fresh fruit such as strawberries or pears? Now’s your chance. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, try a splash on vanilla ice-cream, pavlova, or pannacotta.

A Little Extra 

The first known bottle of Balsamic Vinegar originated in Italy in the 11th century and was reportedly given as a gift to Emperor Enrico III of Franconia. The Italian word balsamico translates in English to balm - eluding to its origin as a curative and restorative tonic used for numerous ailments. The production of Balsamic Vinegar is now a recognised art form made famous in the 16th century in the Italian town of Modena and the neighbouring Reggio Emilia. Balsamic Vinegar however can be made anywhere in the world but it must be produced in these regions to carry the Modena or Reggio Emilia name. Midas Aged Balsamic Vinegar is a fresher younger vinegar proudly sourced from some of the highest vineyards (1000m elevation) in Australia. 

The Details

250mL glass bottle filled with rich burgundy coloured Balsamic Vinegar, with a stainless steel pourer tied to the neck. Remove the cork and replace with the pourer to slowly decant the vinegar.